Luciana Bassani (Brasil), Claudia Cruz (Portugal), Paul Jones (Canada - Expert for China), Patrick Lindgren (Finland), Anders Thylin (Sweden), Carl Zwisler (Chair - U.S.A.), Panel on the Effectiveness of Control of the Location in the Context of Franchising, NEW ISSUES IN INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION: 2010 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION INSTITUTE, Torino, Italy, June 12, 2010.
Eduardo Benavides (Peru), Christine Castellano (Moderator - U.S.A.), Poorvi Chothani(India), Susanna Fuchsbrunner (Germany), Alan Gutterman (U.S.A.), Bruce Horowitz (Ecuador), Paul Jones (Canana), and Salli Swartz (France), “A 'Round the World Tour: Sales Agency and Distribution Relationships,” ABA Teleconference Presentation and paper on "China and Russia: The Legal Environment," February 19, 2010.
Paul Jones (Moderator), Anastasia Mamay, Rebecca Huang and Thomas Parsons, “What Choice Do You Have? Choice of Governing Law, Forum and Venue in International License Agreements,” Panel Discussion for the Toronto Chapter of the Licensing Executives Society, December 10, 2009.
Paul Jones (Moderator), Professor Trudo Lemmens, David E. Schwartz, "Mankind's Inheritance Resources," seminar for the 中华人民共和国科学技术部 (PRC Ministry of Science and Technology) delegation at the Consulate General of the PRC, Toronto on December 7, 2009.
Benjamin Fishburne, Yitai Hu, Paul Jones, and Edward Xu, “Protecting and Licensing Trademarks in China, Safeguarding Brands and Marks in a Global Market,” Teleconference Program presented by Strafford Publications, Atlanta, Georgia, November 18, 2009.
"Recent Antitrust Developments in China and Russia," presentation to the ABA Antitrust Section International Committee Town Hall (by teleconference), October 30, 2009.
Veronika Litinski (Venture Group MaRS) (Moderator), Paul Jones, Vitaly Paroshyn (Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Trade), Elsie Quaite-Randall (McMaster Industry Liaison Office), Peter Mascher (McMaster University), Alina Pekarsky (Schulich Executive Education Centre), and Matey Nedkov (Maple Leaf Angels), "Major Issues related to the Commercialization of Foreign Technology in Canada," roundtable discussion for Technopol and Canada Eurasia Russia Business Association (CERBA), Metro Convention Centre, Toronto, October 7, 2009.
- George Chan (Beijing), Paul Jones, and Jacqueline Lui (Hong Kong), “Intellectual Property: the China Threat, Part II – Strategies for Policing and Enforcing IP Rights,” Teleconference Program presented by Strafford Publications, Atlanta, Georgia, August 19, 2008.
- George Chan (Beijing), Paul Jones, Michael Lin (Beijing) and Jacqueline Lui (Hong Kong), “Intellectual Property: the China Threat, Part I – Essential Preemptive Steps to Protect IP Rights” Teleconference Program presented by Strafford Publications, Atlanta, Georgia, August 12, 2008.
- Ellen Syzmanski, U.S. Department of Commerce; Scott Bain, Software & Information Industry Association; Elizabeth Chien-Hale, Institute for Intellectual Property in Asia; Paul Jones and Bruce McDonald, “Rollershoe v. Chee Ting Shoe Trading Co. – A Case Study on Developing a Brand Protection Strategy in China,” Webinar presented by the United States Department of Commerce and the American Bar Association Section of International Law, November 13, 2007.
William Blumenthal (General Counsel, Federal Trade Commission); Stuart Chemtob (Special Counsel, International Trade, Department of Justice, Antitrust Division); Paul Jones and Jun Wei (Hogan & Hartson LLP, Beijing), “ Understanding the New Antitrust Law in China: Implications for U.S. Companies and Investors,” Teleconference Program presented by Strafford Publications, Atlanta, Georgia, October 25, 2007.
- Paul Jones and 卜秋丽 (Jennifer Bu), “商业特许经营管理条例 – Commercial Franchise Administration Regulation,” Translation, Commentary and Notes – August 30, 2007.
- Paul Jones and 卜秋丽 (Jennifer Bu), “国务院法制办、商务部负责人就《商业特许经营管理条例》有关问题答中国政府网问 - Questions and Answers Regarding the “Commercial Franchise Administration Regulation” as presented by Members of the State Council Legislative Affairs Office and the Ministry of Commerce,” Translation and Notes – August 30, 2007.
- Paul Jones and 卜秋丽 (Jennifer Bu), “商业特许经营信息披露管理办法 - Commercial Franchise Information Disclosure Administrative Measures,” Translation and Notes – August 30, 2007.
- Paul Jones and 卜秋丽 (Jennifer Bu), “商业特许经营备案管理办法 - Commercial Franchise Registration Administrative Measures,” Translation and Notes – August 30, 2007.
- “Intellectual Property Protection in China: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 知识产权在中国:善的, 恶的, 丑的" presentation to the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Patent Practitioners (NAPP), Las Vegas, July 16, 2007.
- Paul Jones and Erik Wulff, “Franchise Regulation in China: Law, Regulation and Guidelines”, 27(1) Franchise Law Journal 57 (Summer 2007).
- “Legal Developments in Chinese Franchising,” 11(1) International Franchising Committee Newsletter 18 (May 2007).
- "China Adopts a new Franchise Regulation and Other Laws," forthcoming DCS Quarterly 2-07, Melbourne, Australia.
- "Licensing in Other Languages: Contract Law and Dispute Resolution Systems in Civil Law Systems," presentation with assistance from Наталия Тренева (Natalia Treneva) and 黎红涛(Li Hongtao or Tony Li) to the Licensing Executives Society, Toronto Chapter, April 2, 2007.
- "Other People's Standards: Privacy in International E-Commerce," forthcoming in "The Secure Times: Newsletter of the Section of Antitrust Law's Privacy and Information Security Committee, Spring/Summer 2007.
- "Guest Column: China Adopts New Franchise Regulation," Asia Business Intelligence Blog, March 13, 2007.
- "The Regulation of Franchising in China and the Development of a Civil Law Legal System " 中国特许经营法规及其民法体系的发展," forthcoming Chinese Law and Policy Review, 2007, University of Pennsylvania.
- "Chinese Cases Now Accessible Online," 41 The International Lawyer: Year In Review, forthcoming, 2007.
- Paul Jones and Natalia Treneva, "International Franchising: China and Russia," 41 The International Lawyer: Year In Review, forthcoming, 2007.
- "China's Franchise Measures in a Civil Law Context - 中国商业特许经营管理办法及其民法体系” Asia Franchise & Business Opportunities, Jan-March 2007, Singapore.
- "Understanding China's Franchise Law Regulations," 2(2) The China Law Reporter (November 2006), China Law Committee of the International Section of the American Bar Association, Chicago.
- "The Regulation of Franchising in China and the Development of a Civil Law Legal System - 中国特许经营法规及其民法体系的发展,” paper and presentation to the 2006 China Franchise International Summit, Beijing Normal University Zhuhai, People's Republic of China, November 11, 2006.
- "China's Franchise Laws: Initial Cases and Commentaries," in CCH, Business Franchise Guide, (Chicago; CCH, Loose-leaf) Newsletter October 20, 2006 and Permanent Edition ¶7068.
- "Building Your Business: BRIC by BRIC, 循序渐进, Шаг за Шагам,” presentation to the Canadian Machine, Tool, Die & Mould Federation/ Mould Makers Council of the Canadian Plastics Industry Association Annual Conference, Niagara Falls, September 16, 2006.
- "China: Judicial and Legislative Update 2005-2006" 4(4) International Journal of Franchising Law, p. 3-14, 2006.
- "Country Updates: People's Republic of China - 中华人民共和国,” International Bar Association, International Franchising Committee, August 31, 2006.
- • “中华人民共和国 特许经营的新闻 - People's Republic of China Franchise News," Paper and Presentation to the International Franchise Association/International Bar Association 23rd Annual Legal Symposium, Washington, D.C., May 10, 2006.
- "Licensing in China: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly 技术合同在中国:善的, 恶的,丑的," presentation to the Licensing Executives Society, Toronto Chapter, April 27, 2006.
- "International Franchising in Canada," Asia Pacific Franchise Directory Inaugural Edition 2006 (Singapore: Asiawide Trends Pte. Ltd., 2006).
- Paul Jones and 蒋五四 (Jiang Wu Si or Peter Jiangï) "Chapter 3 - Marketing" in Daniel A. Laprès and Zhang Yue Jiao, Business Law in China: Trade, Investment and Finance - Revised and Updated Second Edition (Paris: International Chamber of Commerce, forthcoming 2006).
- "China: New Franchising and Direct Selling Regulations," 40 The International Lawyer: International Legal Developments in Review 2005 547, (Summer 2006).
- Paul Jones, Wendy Gross and Terry McQuay, "Transferring Personal Information Outside of Canada: Cross-Border and International Issues," Ontario Bar Association Privacy Law Section, presentation, November 28, 2005.
- Paul Jones and Joseph Adler, "Bringing A Foreign Franchise System to Canada," Paper and Presentation to Ontario Bar Association's 5th Annual Franchise Law Conference, Toronto, September 21, 2005.
- Gary Duval, Paul Jones, Amy Sommers and Guanxi Zheng, "Rising Affluence and Post - WTO Reforms: Converging Trends Boost Franchising in China," Paper and Presentation to a Program Sponsored by the ABA International Law Section China Committee and the International Franchising Committee, and the ABA Forum on Franchising, at the ABA Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, August 7, 2005.
- "International Legal Developments Affecting Franchising,"4th Annual Ontario Bar Association Franchise Law Conference: Franchising in a "New World" of Disclosure - The Advanced Course, October 29, 2004.
- "Upsetting the Balance in Intellectual Property Rights: A Comparison of the Competition Law Decision of the European Court of Justice in IMS Health and the Antitrust Decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in Verizon v. Trinko," Kanadisch-Deutsche Juristenvereinigung 12 Jahreskongress, Banff, August 13-14, 2004.
- "Arbitration of IP Rights Approved by Canada's Supreme Court Will Aid International Franchising", International Bar Association Committee X News, September, 2003.
- Paul Jones and Vicky Wilkes, "WELCOME, 歡迎, Добро пожаловать": Web Sites and E-Commerce in International Franchise Networks", 20th Annual International Bar Association/International Franchise Association Joint Seminar on Franchising, Washington D.C., May 13-14, 2003.
- • "特许经营在加拿大” (Texujingying zai Jianada, or Franchising in Canada) translated by 蒋五四 (Jiang Wu Si or Peter Jiang), 环球商务 Huanqiu Shangwu, or Global Business Weekly) and 联销 (Lian Xiao, or Chain Store and Franchise World) Beijing, 2000-2001 (in Chinese).
- "Preparing Franchise Agreements for Enforcement in the People's Republic of China", International Journal of Franchising & Distribution Law, Kluwer Law International, (Amsterdam - 2000).
- "Preparing Franchise Agreements for Enforcement in Transitional Economies: The People's Republic of China and The Russian Federation", Painting the Future of Franchising in the New Millennium: 22nd Annual Forum on Franchising, October 13-15,1999, Rancho Mirage, California (Chicago: American Bar Association, 1999).